Join USASOA for a DAY OF SERVICE in remembrance and honor of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. USASOA is proud to announce a day of service for all its volunteers and friends. This event is an opportunity for our organization to emphasize the positive impact of our mission on the lives of our military and veterans’ communities, including their families.
The day of service will center on cleaning the gravestones and cemetery at St. John’s parish in Accokeek, Maryland. The cemetery is 325 years old, whose sacred ground holds the remains of Revolutionary War heroes, including the Civil War Medal of Honor. By participating in this event, our volunteers and friends will not only serve their communities but also strengthen their bonds with one another and build a sense of camaraderie that is essential to the success of our mission. Mission BBQ will provide lunch for all attendees.
We encourage all of our volunteers and friends to participate in this event to promote our organization's true spirit of service. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those around us and continue to uphold the proud tradition of United Soldiers and Sailors of America USASOA.