May is a month in which we honor and remember veterans and service members who have and continue to serve our great nation.
If you live in the Washington, DC, Maryland, or Northern Virginia area, please join us in person for this important Memorial Service.
Please bring photos or memorabilia of any family members, loved ones, or friends you may have lost to war, military service, natural causes, or suicide. It is important that we that this opportunity over the weekend in which we honor those who served our nation and who are no longer with us. Their sacrifice makes us free; let us be sure to at least gather to extend our gratitude to God for their incredible lives.
Sadly, the families and friends of veterans who commit suicide are often overlooked and even dismissed, but their pain and grief are just as deep and genuine as those we lose to battle or in service to our country. Join us for this healing prayer service as we read their names and commit these souls into God’s loving arms.
We are very grateful to Father Brian Wander Vel of Christ Church/St. John's Parish in Accokeek, Maryland, for officiating the Memorial Prayer Service and for his support of our military and veteran communities.
Please remain after the service and join us for dinner in the Parish Hall. Please sign up below. We are grateful to Christ Church for their generosity in providing the dinner to all who attend. Everyone is welcome!